For Professionals

The THEE Online Project is a specialist resource available for all. However, it has been designed primarily for those who need a detailed understanding of human functioning as part of their work.
Engagement with the Taxonomy involves a modicum of self-discipline and determination. But the greater demand is genuine professionalism: putting ego to one side and seeking to learn so as to benefit yourself and others.
If you are an academic or helping professional—consultant, advisor, therapist, researcher, guru, counsellor &c, then this website is one of your possible resources. But, given there are a vast number of tools, methods and models available to you (e.g. see this list oriented to management), why add THEE frameworks?
Whenever a principle, method, theory, aid, schema or other conceptual tool relevant to awareness is valued in practice, it will be found to have a basis within the Taxonomy.
That is the current and regularly validated conjecture. Any valuable and practical idea or model that is not located becomes a helpful challenge and encourages further inquiries.
If you do recognize where your idea fits in the Taxonomy, then you can benefit in many ways, including:
However, this requires you to be open and impartial. Everyone will then benefit, including you and, if you put me in the picture, users of the
Many popular tools are complementary to the Taxonomy and unaffected by it e.g. specific skills, stimuli for thinking, check-lists &c. Other tools are models that use parts of the Taxonomy in a constructive fashion.
Some tools, especially approaches (e.g. to decision-making, to psychotherapy, to presentation &c.) are specifically located within THEE. If you make your living out of a taxonomic approach, it is natural to promote it persuasively. However, even if you truly believe in its superiority, it is well to respect alternatives. This enlarges your perspective and helps when your method fails or cannot be used for practical reasons.
Note that the goal here is taxonomic. Expertise in using any particular approach is not being offered, and so the website is not a substitute for formal training and practical experience in specialist techniques within any particular approach.
A Suitable Focus
Based on past experience, you will probably be interested in just a few frameworks out of the dozens that are available. A THEE tool or technology will be useful for you if:
► it is deliberately chosen for its effect
► you understand its properties
► you feel comfortable and natural in using it
► you apply it professionally in suitable situations.
Because the Taxonomy functions spontaneously, as your understanding of the particular framework deepens and expands, new good solutions for client problems will emerge in your mind.
These frameworks have been presented as straightforwardly as possible. The writing has twin aims: to make reading and study enjoyable, and to aid criticism, corrections and improvements.
You are most welcome if you wish to participate more substantially in developing and improving the Taxonomy and the THEE Online Project.
See a bigger picture of usefulness in the move from theory to practice.
Originally posted: 14-Jan-2014; Last amended: 14-Oct-2016,